The Directorate of Fisheries will conduct two days Short Term Training Courses for a batch of 20 participants during the month of November 2022 to February 2023 at Fisherman’s Training Centre, Ela Dauji, Old-Goa.
Topics and number of training of Short term training courses are as follows; Mussel culture (01), Training in Seafood value added Fish Product preparation (03), Training in Ornamental Fisheries and Fabrication of Aquarium tanks (01), Mud crab culture (01), Fresh water fish culture (01), Biofloc and RAS culture system (01), Brackish water/Open sea cage culture cage culture (01), Techniques of solar Fish drying (01).
Candidates interested in training course are requested to confirm his/her participation to the Department on or before November 14, 2022, on the contact No. (0832) 2224838, mail on e-mail id: dir-fish.goa@nic.in. or by visiting Fishermen Training Centre, Ela Dauji, Old-Goa.