Shri. Subhash Phal Dessai, Minister for Social Welfare has announced that the All India 12th Matrimony Meet is being organised on 10th January, 2024 as part of the International Purple Fest – Goa 2024. This event aims to unite people with various disabilities seeking life partners.
The event is organized by the Office of the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Government of Goa, Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Goa, and the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, this event is in collaboration with Voice Vision and Basudeo Bubna Memorial Trust.
During the press conference held in Porvorim, Phal Dessai underscored the importance of matrimonial gatherings for people with disabilities. He emphasized that these events offer a platform for connecting with similar-minded individuals who comprehend their experiences and challenges. He stressed that the anticipated diverse attendance at the event would broaden the scope of potential connections, creating an extensive network for persons with disabilities.
Voice Vision, an organization renowned for hosting 11 successful Matrimonial Meets, has witnessed the engagement of 870 prospects, encompassing both individuals with disabilities and those without, in its annual Matrimony Meet events thus far.
Sushmeetha Bubna, Founder, Voice Vision said, “Marriage marks a significant chapter for all, including individuals with disabilities. Our Matrimonial Meet strives to offer Persons with Disabilities the opportunity to come together and realize their marriage dreams. We believe in matching abilities rather than matching disabilities”.
All India 12th Matrimony Meet:
- Registration: Visit [https://purplefest.goa.gov.in/] to register.
- Open to all: Entry is open for all genders, religions, castes, creeds, communities, disabilities, and locations across India.
- Registration Fees: Rs. 500/- per participant; Rs. 500/- for Escort/Parent/Guardian (inclusive of refreshments).
- Procedure and Eligibility: Detailed information available on the registration form.
- Last Date to Register: 20th December 2023
- Completion of Registration: The registration process will be considered complete only after filling the application form, paying the registration fee and submission of required documents.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Minimum Age: Men – 21 years & Women – 18 years
- Minimum Qualification: 10th Std
- Marital Status: Unmarried, Divorcee, Widow, or Widower
- Disabled / Non-disabled: Open to individuals with disabilities or without disability (Non-disabled individuals interested in marrying a person with a disability).