I had spoken about Ghost Airport in last Assembly Session. As Transport Minister Mauvin Godinho is on a lookout for third Airport in Goa when Mopa is yet to Take-off, he needs to kill the ‘Ghost’ which has already landed on Goan Roads claiming lives of people almost daily, charged Leader of Opposition Yuri Alemao.
Innocent people are losing lives almost daily in fatal accidents across Goa. The pathetic road conditions, corruption in Road Transport Department is the main cause for these accidents. There is absolutely no control on maintaining roads and check road worthiness of vehicles, Yuri Alemao stated.
It is high time that the Transport Minister Mauvin Godinho focus on the Goan Roads. He needs to take steps to ensure that the fatal accidents stop. Families are getting shattered because of negligence and apathy of the BJP Government, said Yuri Alemao.
Government must take pro-active steps to improve the road infrastructure in Goa. Patradevi to Mapuca and Verna Highway as well as Mollem-Ponda road have now turned into Killer Zones. There is absolutely no monitoring of Road Transport Department on movement of vehicles, pointed Yuri Alemao.
Going by his claim that third Airport is needed as tourists will increase in manifolds, I hope Transport Minister will not ask the Tourism Minister to come up with a “Airport Policy” on lines with his controversial “Jetty Policy”, taunted Yuri Alemao.