The Department of Computer Engineering, in association with C-CODES, of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda, Goa, organized the Sixth annual, intercollegiate event called ‘INSPIRUS 2k22-Make it Happen’

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  4. The Department of Computer Engineering, in association with C-CODES, of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda, Goa, organized the Sixth annual, intercollegiate event called ‘INSPIRUS 2k22-Make it Happen’

The Department of Computer Engineering, in association with C-CODES, of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda, Goa, organized the Sixth annual, intercollegiate event called ‘INSPIRUS 2k22-Make it Happen’. It is a national event, where students in and around Goa will attend and will participate in various technical events held on 3rd and 4th November 2022.INSPIRUS has been a very successful event running for the past 5 years with maximum participation of students from various schools, higher secondary schools and colleges across the country. Various technical and non-technical events is organized such as the 24 hours continuous Inspirathon (hackathon), Code Wars, Jigsaw coding, Framed, Incarnate and many more. A workshop, MasterClass on two topics namely: “The World Becomes What You Teach” and “Designing Scalable IoT Architecture” will be organized for faculties and students.
The inaugural ceremony commenced with the lighting of lamp by a group of dignitaries where the Chief guest for the inaugural function was Dr. Ajit Parulekar, director Goa institute of management. The other dignitaries included, Director Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, Principal Dr. Neena S. P. Panandikar, Head of the Computer department Dr. Gaurang Patkar,C-CODES faculty in charge and inspires coordinator Prof. Merwyn D’Souza, Inspirus Coordinator Prof Amey Tilve, Mr Aryan Kotru, Chairperson of C-Codes as well as the faculty members of the Computer Engineering Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda.
The principal, Dr. Neena Panandikar formally welcomed all the dignitaries present on the dais and participants from various parts of the country, colleagues and students. Further she addressed the audience, formerly mentioning the various achievements of the students and expressed the need for juniors to further follow the footsteps of the seniors and continue working towards their goals.
Further the Director, Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz quoted Steven Richards and stated that hard work is what you do to make ends meet, easy work is getting others to do hard work for you, he further quoted Tony Robbins and stated that: In life never spend more than 10% of your time on problems but rather spend 90% of your time on the solution.
The outgoing C-Codes Chairperson, Mr. Carson Rodrigues stepped forth to provide the annual report of activities conducted during his tenure.
In his keynote address, the special guest Dr. Ajit Parulekar guided with his inspirational words which was an eye-opening speech where he shone light upon the aspects of current status and scope of coding activities and the responsibilities that come along the way. He further highlighted the quote mentioned by Rev.Fr. Kinley D’Cruz regarding problems and solutions and further stated that an engineer should see problems as opportunities. He highlighted the importance of pursuing multiple domains alongside gaining mastery in your field of specialization. He encouraged students to participate in activities and to always learn from failures.
The C-Codes 2022 council took an oath of office, promising to abide by their duties to their fullest of their abilities.
The distinction students of 2018-2022 batch were felicitated with a medal and certificate.
In the end, Prof. Merwyn D’Souza offered a vote of thanks to all.
The event was powered by Oneshield softwares, supported by EduAdvise international, Models group, Conexao technology solutions, Tersus Energy, Spintly India pvt limited.

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