Pernem Police arrested Accused Galib Chand Koudi, age 34yrs, r/o.Sawantwadi,Maharastra from Sawantwadi for committing theft of Mobile phones of Tourist from Arambol Beach. The complaint in this regard was lodged on 15.09.23 by one Shashank Rai, native of Delhi where his two Mobile phones of different brand i.e IPhone 14pro Max n Moto G60 Mobile phones was stolen which the complainant had kept on the beach while taking bath.The accused was absconding and was nabbed with help of technical surveillance. Team consisting of HC: Mahesh Naik , PC Prajyot Mayekar, PC Shashank Sakhalkar arrested the accused under the leadership of PI Pernem Sachin Lokre and so far 4 Mobile phones of different brand recovered from accused all worth Rs.150000/-