Need to strengthen communication among generations: Khaunte

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Tourism and Information Technology Minister Rohan Khaunte Inaugurated Senior Citizens Recreation Center of Rugnashraya.

Today, in the age of modern technology, we are losing our communication with our age old generation which has power to retain our culture which is more wiser than the current generation and having much more experience of life. We all talk about preserving our culture, but the real question is who will take initiative to preserve it. In fact, this is the tragedy of today’s times and it is our duty to retain our rich cultural heritage. There is an urgent need for a united society today to take lead in preserving it, said Tourism and Information Technology Minister Rohan Khaunte.
He was speaking while inaugurating a recreation center for senior citizens on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Matruchaya-run Rugnashraya a home for patient care at Kabesa Bambolim. On this occasion special invitee and senior citizen Umesh Budkule, local MLA Rudolph Fernandes, President of Matruchaya Anup Keni, office bearer Shirish Amshekar, president of Rugnashraya Dr. Sashikala sahakari and others eminent dignitaries were present on dais.
Ramayana, Mahabharata are important books of our way of life. But, the new generation is totally unaware about it. If, we wonder why it has become difficult to pass such rich stories from the old generation to the new generation today is because of the lost kinship. The older generation has the power to do this important work of passing on their wisdom and our rich culture to the new generation. Different programs should be organized in this sense which will improve this communication gap, said Khaunte. With this the life of the seniors will also be happy and at the same time the new generation will also have the right direction to life.

Khaunte further added that, in Porvorim, Bhajan tradition was started with the intention of bringing senior citizens together. Today most of bhajans are being performed in different temples. This model we should implement in all parts of the state. By bringing the senior citizens together, we can give them a life of satisfaction, he said. There are many challenges facing the state today. But we all should come together and think about the interest of Goa. He expressed the belief that a new Goa will be created only through the brainstorming of our thoughts.
Communication gap between senior members of the family and the new generation is due to the fact that the current generation is immersed in new technology. This leads to children not having enough time to interact with family. This picture needs to change, he said. If this happens, our society will improve and take a new pace even in the age of modern technology.
Childhood is the happiest part of our life. Parents inculcate good morals in us and we grow from it. In childhood we are ignorant and do not take many things seriously he mentioned. Further he added that life will become easier if we listen to the words of experienced parents.
Rugnashraya’s home nursing center is of much more importance. In today’s fast paced era, the society finds no time to take care of senior citizens. He praised the saunstha for bridging the gap created in the society regarding the care of senior citizens.

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