Panaji: Aldona MLA Adv Carlos Alvares Ferreira stressed on the need to adopt modern technology along with traditional methods for farming.
He was speaking after inaugurating the first paddy harvesting machine at Nachinola. Eleven such machines have been made available for the farmers under a government subsidy scheme.
“Modern technology along with traditional methods need to be adopted in agriculture. With traditional farming, our farmers know when to grow the type of crops in that particular period. Machines cannot achieve perfection, however, with the use of machines, we can increase the quantum of produce and boost profits,” he said.

Ferreira also appealed to the government to assist farmers.
“For agriculture to progress, the farmers need assistance. I had even raised the issue in the assembly to increase the minimum support price for farmers. I will meet the agriculture minister and chief minister and renew the request to provide benefits under the existing scheme or formulate a new scheme,” he said.
“This year some seeds failed and the fields had to be recultivated, and even rain caused some damage. But the farmers are enthusiastic and we will support them as much as possible. I thank the farmers who still continue to cultivate their fields. Many have got jobs and even migrated abroad, while the fields are lying barren,” the MLA said.