DABOLIM: Over 30 teachers from schools of Dabolim ,Sancoale and Cortalim participated in teachers training workshop-QUEST, the two-day programme organised by Lions Club of Dabolim at Keshav Smruti High School, Dabolim. The topic was ‘Skills for Adolescence’ wherein Kavita Shastri, a national trainer from Mangalaru was the pilot faculty and Sindhu from Kerala was the Asst. Faculty.
The valedictory function was held on Sunday evening wherein Sylvia D’Souza, DyDirector, Directorate of Education was the chief guest. PMJF Lion Jai Amol Naik, 1st Vice District Governor was the guest of honour and Dr Lion Shanbhag, Quest District Coordinator was the special guest.
Chief Guest Sylvia DSouza in her address said that she was very happy with the Lions Club of Dabolim for organising a very meaningful trainer programme which was the need of the hour. She was also very happy that the dedicated teachers attended the same despite it being on Saturday & Sunday.
Lion Jai Amol Naik appreciated the activity done by the Lions Club of Dabolim and appealed to the chief guest to try to incorporate this training in their syllabus if possible.
Dr Shanbhag pledged all help to the club for organising the programme in a very systematic and efficient manner. Lion Eddie Fernandes, President, Lions Club of Dabolim welcomed the gathering and Lion Joyce Fernandes, Coordinator proposed a vote of thanks. Certificates were distributed to the teachers.
Sushma Korgaonkar, Headmistress, Keshav Smruti High School, Lion Ritu Arolkar, Region Chairperson and Lion Harish Kumar, Zone Chairperson graced the occasion . It was largely attended by guests and members of Lions Club of Dabolim.