Aldona PHC gets new health officer

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PANAJI: Aldona MLA Adv Carlos Alvares Ferreira has welcomed the new health officer at Aldona primary health centre Dr Roshan Nazareth.

Dr Nazareth took charge of his new posting on Saturday. His predecessor, Dr Pritam Naik, was recently transferred following her promotion and Adv Ferreira thanked her for her contributions to the Aldona PHC during her tenure over there.

Prof John Mascarenhas, Pranav Phadte and others were present.

Ferreira said there was a demand from people to bring Dr Nazareth to Aldona for his reputation as a very good doctor.

Dr Nazareth had previously served at the Aldona centre during a brief stint, where he won accolades from patients for his hands-on and humane approach to patients.

Ferreira said that during his discussion with Dr Nazareth, they spoke about the need to upgrade the Aldona centre and introduce facilities where even minor surgeries could be carried out.

Prior to this, Dr Nazareth was the health officer at Candolim primary health centre for nearly two years, and was last posted at Marcaim PHC. He was felicitated by the state government for his efforts to tackle the alarming rise in coronavirus cases in Candolim jurisdiction during the first and second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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